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Hrčci (Cricetinae) su glodavci aktivni pretežno u sumrak. To je potporodica porodice Cricetidae iz reda glodavaca. U prirodiEurope živi jedino poljski, ili europski hrčak. Kao kućne životinje drže se pretežno zlatni hrčci i različite druge patuljaste vrste.
Rasprostranjeni su u Europi i Aziji. Imaju relativno malo (u odnosu na druge glodavce) vrsta, poznato je samo 18 vrsta svrstanih u sedam rodova. Najveći dio vrsta živi u stepama i polupustinjama Mongolije.
Neke sistematike ih ne razvrstavaju kao samostalnu potporodicu, nego ju smatraju tribusom potporodice Arvicolinae. Suprotno tome, ponekad se i rod Calomyscus svrstava u ovu grupu, međutim, oni nisu pravi hrčci.
Naziv "patuljasti hrčak" nije oznaka za neku jedinstvenu grupu unutar skupine hrčaka.


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They are fully grown at the age of 5 months, when there are no visible differences in appearance, but that could be linked to age. Depending on the type of hamster can compare its size with an average size adult hamster for type, but sometimes even this is not indicative because it can work on older hamster which gene was not destined to reach an average size.

Syrian hamsters are the average of 15 to 20 cm, wherein the females are larger than males. Next, sort the most indicative fact that hamsters with age lose their quality thick fur, the notes thin and less overgrown with fur, dry skin, are generally less active, thin and eat less. Of course, if you know approximately how old she was hrčkica when you got it and how it is with you, the latter should not be confused with the early signs of a disease.

As for the stay of the Syrian hamster in the bathroom, not very advisable for reasons of sensitivity hamsters heat. In fact, they are most comfortable at temperatures feel like a man (18-24 ° C), and in the bathroom, especially when you take a bath or a shower, this temperature can be much higher. Temperature, together with high humidity, the hamsters can lead to heat stroke, which is reflected in hamsters claudication and lethargy, passed the ears, sweating, or the appearance of fur dull. Also, how often ventilated bathroom hamster are exposed to an additional draft the contrary, exposure to cold temperatures (except, of course, in the summer months).

Try hrčkica placed in the living room, where they will not be exposed to unfavorable external factors, you will always close if you want to contact with it, and at night will not interfere with restful sleep household.

Now, you mentioned that you note your hrčkica to biting cage. This is common in hamsters, and is most often associated with natural teeth need to wear, rather than dissatisfaction with the offered food. To enable it to properly wear teeth (biting grid often leads to injury), offer a multitude of toy made of wood or mineral stone (you can find them in the Pet Center stores) tailored just needs hamsters.

A Syrian hamsters, nutrition and accommodation wrote to a colleague Ljiljana Vrhovac Uzur,, Colleague Tanja Krulc, and colleague Silvija Havre Lovric,

How to tame a hamster?

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It's easier to tame a young hamster, so let your new pet is not older than eight weeks. When tiny hamster arrives in your home, be patient. In the beginning, it do not let go of dwellings, and it would be good to first two days not to touch to accustomed to a new home. Then he let them sniff and get used to your voice. When awake by gently try to receive the arms and cuddle. The hand put a treat for hamsters that it will attract. Hamster is taken in hand so that it is gently cover with both hands. Hamsters can be very fast, so be careful how you hamster not to drop it.
When you notice that adapt to the environment, start slowly let out of a cage, some investigating.

Accommodation and Care

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Hamster cage should be designed for rodents (metal cage at least 60 x 50 x 40 cm), because otherwise very easy to find or chew through the exit and escape. Keep an eye on the distance between the slats. The cage must not be oval or round in shape because the hamster could lose orientation and getting sick. As the substrate, it is best to put the chips of wood or buy ready-made bedding for hamsters. The cage is sufficiently cleaned twice a week, because hamsters are very neat critters, but a place where the hamster out to eliminate should be cleaned every day. When washing cages, cleaning agent should be thoroughly washed.
The cage should be equipped with more shells in which your pet to sleep, drip pans, cutlery, drinkers, wheel to maintain fitness and other toys for glodavce.U stores can be found cages with tubes. They are excellent for hamsters that the nature of work nests in tunnels. The cage should be in a stable location, because otherwise the hamster through its activities may crash. It should not be in the draft nor too close to a heat source (stove, radiator, direct sunlight). Hamsters bother wet rooms and smoke, and all these can seriously jeopardize the health of your hamster. Many pets like dogs and cats, are natural enemies of hamsters. Keep them away from hamsters.

Why we like hamsters?

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Hamster is playful, cuddly and curious animals. You do not need much space and easily adapts to the environment. Hamster is desirable every day let out of a cage, but it all this time to keep in the eye. Hamsters are playful, love to climb and stall in the most hidden places. This can be dangerous because of the inaccessibility of the place and the possibility of small rodents do damage or eaten by them hazardous material.
Hamster is a nocturnal animal. Will sleep most of the day and wake up at night and be active all night. Then usually rotates its toy - the wheel. When it makes a noise and it is not a good solution to his dwelling place near bedrooms.
Hamsters not good to wake up during the day, because they are disrupting their biorhythms, which can be bad for their health and mood. This is one reason why the hamsters as pets suitable for children over seven years. Hamster will bite in very rare and exceptional cases; If you snap out of living the dream, too scared or upset.

Popis za kupovinu:

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Popis za kupovinu:
• informativni letak o hrčcima                                                  
• kavez (min. 60x50x40)                          
• transporter• kućica za spavanje• zdjelica za hranu• posuda za vodu• stelja• materijali za gnijezdo

We like some company?

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Syrian hamster is a loner and likes to be alone. Chinese, Russian and Siberian hamsters prefer to live in pairs.

Reproduction hamster

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Hamster reproduce faster than any other mammal. Females can reproduce more than six weeks. Pregnancy lasts about 16 days. Give birth to an average of six pups, although the possible variations of 2 "- 15. cubs eyes are opened after 10-15 days. After 4 weeks, the cubs can be separated from the mother, and after 3 months are fully grown. It is noteworthy that the Syrian (golden) hamsters do not recommend to stick together in the same premises, but for breeding female puts occasionally male in the cage, but under control. for other hamsters are possible community males and females.

Healthy hamster

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Healthy hamster:
- Moving fast and quick
- Around the snout, eyes and anus has a clean and tidy fur
- Has a thick fur
- Has difficulty breathing (breathing quietly)
- No visible injuries

Keep me fit and healthy

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Keep me fit and healthy. If you notice that your hamster has no appetite, diarrhea, coughing or a runny nose, it is best to seek veterinary help. Stress and rotten food can cause diarrhea. Every day should move the old food from the cage and avoid stressful situations.

What do you like eating?

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Hamsters eat a variety of foods: ready-made food for hamsters, apple, dandelion, chicory, bananas, nuts. It is very important to always have fresh water. The daily amount of balanced food necessary for the Syrian hamster is about 20 g (one tablespoon), and the Chinese about 5 g (one teaspoon). For regular wear of teeth, in a cage put pieces of wood to chew on (ash, lime, apple, hazel), or a variety of ready-made "snacks" that you can buy at the store for pets. The stone for rodents serve to wear teeth and as a source of minerals. The remains of human food or sugar are harmful to the health of the hamster.

How to treat me?

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Let the first few days that the hamster adjust to the new environment, people and smells. Hamster take in hand when he's awake. The hand put a favorite snack to make it to attract. The hand is placed so that it is completely covered with both hands. Minor children must pay particular attention to safely hold in their hands, so as not to drop it. They can be very fast, because with him, in the beginning until you have a sense of how to keep and maintain the hands, be very careful.

Where did I come from? Where I like to live?

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Hamster origin depends on the type. The main types are: the Syrian or golden hamster (Syria), Russia (Central Asia, Northern Russia, Mongolia), Chinese (Mongolia and North China), Siberian (East Kazakhstan, North-Western Russia).
New home hamster should have a minimum of 60 x 50 x 40 cm. The cage should be even homes, water bottles, food containers and wheels and other types of toys for rodents. It is best to buy ready-made bedding for hamsters. The place where the hamster out to eliminate should be cleaned every day. The cage once a week should be thoroughly cleaned. When washing cages, cleaning agent should be thoroughly rinsed. The cage should be at a stable place to prevent the fall. Heat direct sunlight or a radiator, as well as drafts, high humidity and cigarette smoke can harm the health of a hamster.

Am I right animal for you?

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Hamster is an ideal pet for a family. They do not need a lot of space and are easy to maintain. They are active at night, while sleeping. Happy are playful critters. More appropriate for older children who can take care of them. Life expectancy hamster is 2-3 years. He's a great pet for all those who through friendship with him, studying his habits, from direct contact come into a closer relationship with nature and some of its processes.

European hamster

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European hamster (lat. Cricetus cricetus) is the only species of the genus Cricetus. This species is listed as the last concern, because it has a wide distribution and frequent species. [1] The habitat of the European hamster are grass vegetation and river ecosystems. They work at night and live in complex systems lair. They feed on seeds, legumes, root vegetables, herbs and insects.

Areal European hamster includes a large number of countries. Nature has a habitat in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Austria, Georgia and Luxembourg.

White Russian Hamster

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Country of origin: Eastern Kazakhstan and northwestern Russia
Lifespan: between 1 and 2 years
Size: 8 to 10 cm

Other Features: This type of hamster is relatively rare in the pet shop's. Named after one interesting, and that is that during the winter the fur is a white color has been proved that the color changes to the length of days. It is desirable as these hamsters sold in pairs always the same sex to izbijegne mating. Good temperament and yet not for beginners because it is difficult to store. It woul

They are very clean animals and like to clean their fur. These are very often came to a head because they are hunted for their fur. The average life expectancy they 1½ to 2 years. Grow 8 to 10 cm. Very rarely are sold as pets in pet stores. White Russian hamsters that Russian dwarf hamster could be an ancestor should not eat foods containing monosaccharides, due to the risk of diabetes mellitus.

He is known for interesting things at which he even got a name, and that is that during the winter the fur took on white.

Chinese hamster

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Country of origin: Mongolia and Northern China
Life span: from 2-3 years
Size: 10 to 12 cm

Other features: Chinese hamster-like mouse and not so widespread at the breeder because of heavy cultivation.
Male specimens are higher than women with larger bags under the door. Chinese hamsters have to be sold in pairs always the same sex.
These hamsters are nocturnal species with strong climbing abilities were severely intractable or when caught are comfortable in the hand. The cage of this type also may be glass and large, because this kind of likes a lot of space.

Chinese hamsters are very clean animals and spend a lot of time cleaning up and decorating their hair. Female bears 14 to 22 days and has 1-8 young, and sometimes even 14. After litter keeps young for about two weeks. 10 days after birth the young see, and start getting the hair, and after 6 weeks become fully sexually mature and ready to mate. The life span of Chinese hamster is 2-3 years.

Chinese hamster is a large 8-10 cm. Cub weighs 2-3 grams and adult Chinese hamster 50-75 grams. Gestation lasts 18 to 21 days. On the front legs have 5 fingers (the thumb is almost not visible) and on the back

In the period when the only litter until the end of the second week after birth, the cage can not be cleaned and the only contact with him must happen only when the food is placed on the mother or changing water. During this vulnerable period is not the cubs and mother must not come into contact with a man, because it is almost certain reactions mothers killing their newborns.

However, male and female youth should be separated into two distinct cages but with about three weeks, since some pups mature earlier, especially males, so they can start a new brood with prematurely developed young female, or even his mother, and it is possible that the father receives new litter with her daughters. This is particularly risky because the female during this period and another cub alone, and not fully developed, either physically or mentally for their own offspring, and may die during pregnancy, or premature okotiti cubs, and then lay down extremely small and often happens to them female ate. As a young, Chinese hamsters are a bit nervous animals, but when they grow up, come to the fore their calm and cuddly character, but are very popular pets. He points out their playfulness and exhilaration when the evening springs from their spavališta and start running around the cage.

Phodopus Cambell

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Scientific Name: Phodopus Cambell
Origin: Central Asia, Northern Russia, Mongolia
Lifespan: between 1 and 2 years
Size: 10 to 12 cm

Other Features: This species lives in sand dunes.
Female are larger than females and have a longer body as opposed to females who have rounder body. Fur them emits a kind of oil. Russian hamsters can live in groups because they are friendly. This type of hamsters required to live in a glass cage because it is very easy to get out of most of the wire cage. Less suitable for children because it gives less hold.

Syrian or Golden Hamster

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  • Mesocricetus auratus - Syrian or Golden Hamster
  • Origin: Syria
  • Lifespan: about 2 years
  • Size: 20 to 25 cm
  • Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) is a rodent (Rodentia) originating from Syria, sometimes also referred to as the "Golden Hamster", as it is actually the original colors in nature. Within the family Cricetidae belong to the genus hamsters.

Other features: Syrian hamster is nocturnal and completely odorless. He spends a lot of time was cleaning his house and cleaning up. They come in many colors and variations. Syrian hamster becomes independent and with eight weeks to be separated.

Also today there are many different colors and types of their hair, for example, long-haired hamster, Syrian hamster without hair, black hamster and ordinary Syrian hamster. Syrian hamster is the most popular type of hamster to hold as a pet. There are many qualities that appeal to the consumer. Syrian hamster is very grateful pet because its size is very small, about 15 to 18 centimeters. It has a short tail (only about 8 mm) and it is very important not stink. It is very convenient for people who have small children, because they are very cuddly and not invasive. There are a few reasons why people like to keep one of these reasons is the price is very reasonable, another reason why people love the way their maintenance that does not require much, the third reason is very easy diet that may apply even children. Unlike some exotic animals such as iguanas or the like, the Syrian hamsters live very shortly. The life expectancy of a hamster is approximately 2 to 2.5 years. But not infrequently experience and 3, 4 or even more years. Syrian hamsters are mostly nocturnal, which means they will sleep during the day and night to be very active. Syrian hamsters is not advisable to keep the pair as they often come to a fight in which hamsters can be injured.

Pregnancy lasts only about 16 days, a litter usually has four cubs (usually 2 to 5). In a year can be up to eight litters. Hatchlings are sexually mature between the ages of 38 and 42 days. Syrian hamsters are solitary expressed. Adult females react extremely aggressively to members of the same species both sexes, including their own offspring. In breeding, males connect with females only in a very short time.

Syrian hamsters are animals that dig dens and the deepest channels up to 110 cm. Nests are usually in their depth of 40 to 90 cm below the surface.

Natural enemies of them all mammals and snakes, which normally feed on rodents, but human.


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Hamsters (Cricetinae) rodents are active mostly at dusk. This is a subfamily of the family Cricetidae from among rodents. The nature of Europe lives only Polish or European hamster. As pets are kept mostly golden hamsters and various other dwarf species.

Widespread in Europe and Asia. Have a relatively small (compared to other rodents) species is known only 18 species which are grouped into seven genera. Most of the species live in the steppes and semi-deserts of Mongolia.

Some systematics are not classified as an independent subfamily, but they considered the tribe subfamily