Why we like hamsters?

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Hamster is playful, cuddly and curious animals. You do not need much space and easily adapts to the environment. Hamster is desirable every day let out of a cage, but it all this time to keep in the eye. Hamsters are playful, love to climb and stall in the most hidden places. This can be dangerous because of the inaccessibility of the place and the possibility of small rodents do damage or eaten by them hazardous material.
Hamster is a nocturnal animal. Will sleep most of the day and wake up at night and be active all night. Then usually rotates its toy - the wheel. When it makes a noise and it is not a good solution to his dwelling place near bedrooms.
Hamsters not good to wake up during the day, because they are disrupting their biorhythms, which can be bad for their health and mood. This is one reason why the hamsters as pets suitable for children over seven years. Hamster will bite in very rare and exceptional cases; If you snap out of living the dream, too scared or upset.
